Series: Obsessions

Hey folks! I’m going to begin this multi-part series of posts about what I actually obsess about, in my dreams. Hahaha! ‘Actually’ yet it’s just an elaborate wishlist. Ha! It’s my blog so.. obey, mortals!

The main categories would be Art, Fashion, Tech, People, and Places.

Of course, those are quite general, indeed.

This series is inspired by my mega-obsession about winning the lottery. Mind you, the California Mega Millions and not the Super Lotto in my beloved Pinas.

This is effort extraordinaire especially that my dog is just as depressed as I am and that my finals are coming up in 3 weeks. O-M-G!!

So tara let’s, tara tara tara let’s, obsess with me! Let me guide you to the dark side of daydreaming!

~ by paulyne on February 28, 2007.

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